May 13

What is A Bodyworker?
What is a bodyworker?
You can teach any monkey how to massage.
It’s a technique, you learn a stroke and you do it. The difference between a massage therapist and a bodyworker is that the massage therapist will do the same massage and strokes every time. They will give you the same massage no matter what’s different in your body. They’re there to help that time. Not for the long haul.
Somebody who’s making transformative, long-term change is a bodyworker.
A bodyworker says, “There’s a pattern here and I’m going to work with this person to change the pattern.”
We manipulate tissue to make change. We have a reason to make change. There’s a broad spectrum of bodywork. For the person wanting to make change, you need to find the right person with the right modalities.
I can’t do this work on my clients unless I walk through the fire. I do this work myself.
Do you have a reason to make change? Are you ready?
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Need more information?
Learn more about the differences between bodywork and traditional massage here.
Will bodywork help you? Find out. Tune into our next article on bodywork